Canal Rocks Boat Ramp & Jetty
Construction Period:
January 2021 – May 2021
Steve Mills & Fiona Graham
Total Value:
$1,620,000 + GST

This project included the installation of a new Boat Ramp and a Finger Jetty for the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions at Canal Rocks. Work included the demolition of the existing boat ramp, installation of piles with appropriate protective coatings, construction of rock revetments and scour protection, a precast concrete boat ramp lane, a reinforced concrete upper ramp, and asphalt upgrades to the entire car park, together with associated line markings.
The project included:
- Demolition of existing boat ramp and jetty;
- Supply and installation of 11No. 406×12.7CHS piles embedded 2m into granite bedrock;
- Concrete filling of piles and grouting rock annulus to piles;
- Fabrication, paint treatment (Interzone 954) and installation of a 44m long x1.8m wide steel jetty with stainless steel ladders;
- Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating and handrailing;
- Rubber fenders;
- Pile wrapping with Denso Seashield 70 system;
- Excavation at pile location and a boat ramp to insitu solid rock;
- Construction of boat ramp revetment using: core rock wrapped in Texcel 600R geotextile; grouted rock shoulder (150-200mm rock); Filter rock (300-500mm), and 1.5T Armour rock;
- Grouting of rock underwater using divers and concrete pump;
- Design and construction of a 40m long boat ramp including precast concrete and insitu reinforced concrete for recreational boating and emergency situations.
- Reinforced concrete abutment and footpath;
- Roadworks to tie into new boat ramp levels included: excavation; subgrade preparation; base course; a 2-coat seal; asphalt; and kerbing;
- Construction of 6No. additional carbays included: excavation; subgrade preparation; base course;a 2 coat seal; asphalt; and kerbing;
- Red asphalt footpath included: excavation; base course; and asphalt;
- Modification to drainage included reconstruction of an existing drainage basin; new pit lids; pipework between pits; and an overflow outlet structure;
- Installation of an ACO Drain and MASCOT Triple Interceptor petrol/oil trap;
- Resurfacing over 4500m2 of existing and new carpark and boat ramp with 30mm thick asphalt;
- Stone pitching to edges of concrete ramp and footpath to tie into armour rock;
- Ancillary works include line marking, signage, wheelstops, bollards, etc.
- Clearing permits, Aboriginal Monitors for excavation and ground disturbance work.
The project was effectively managed without environmental or safety incidents. All of the work were completed on time and on budget.